Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Starting school in Paris

Our oldest son Luke started school in February at the local Ecole Maternelle. As a mom and a natural born worrier, there were many things that I wasn't sure about. He came home the first few weeks not having understood much and not having any playmates. However he looked forward to going everyday and seemed happy in general. It only took a month or so before he started picking up the language and soon after making some friends.

On Monday he started a new school! We missed la rentree due to a wedding over the Labor Day weekend in the states. One down, one to go. Theo starts L'Halte Guarderie at the end of the month two mornings a week. More on that later.

I was a bit surprised by the full page of school supplies. He's five years old people. He needs brand name glue and tissues de bonne qualite. Hoping these folks aren't too high maintenance, they just know what works best. I did send him off with Casino brand tissues just to see if they would say anything. Yes, kind of lame I think this is funny.