Luke's school had their annual Christmas party on Saturday. It was a real feel good event. Packed with kids and their parents, there were games, food (huitres and wine anyone?), all sorts of goods to buy such as cashmere sweaters and books. All proceeds were for the school and the church. Everything was staffed by parent volunteers and the school administration, like I said a real feel good event. Luke got his hands on his first toy rifle. He got that mesmerized glassy look in his eyes, face void of expression, like when he saw the monster truck show back in Vermont. He nailed the target every time too. I'm not gun gal, but with two boys, I'm bracing myself for the inevitable fascination with them. We managed to leave with a new pet goldfish as well. He lives in our now defunct coffee pot.
Nice form, not than I condone it.

You're lucky we got that Nespresso machine, fishy.
On Sunday Luke went to his first birthday party in his new school. Apparently the whole class plus siblings plus siblings' friends were invited to the boy's apartment. We rolled up, along with a parade of other parents and kids, to one of the nicest addresses in Paris. I had a hard time keeping my mouth off the floor and my eyes in my head. There were a team of nannies and entertainers dressed up as all the Toy Story characters to greet us. Their entrance was as big as our living room, adorned with major works of art no less.
I'm Bahtmaan, Mommy.

Thanks for the balloon, bro!
I spotted who I thought was the dad and blurted out something like, "I'm the maman de Luke" as I vigorously shook his hand. He smiled politely and was off. I'm still not clear about how to handle meeting people/parents because it seems like no one really introduces themselves. No one else said hello besides one mom who did the bisoux. That means your tight when you do the double kisses, I've got that down. Parents were not invited to stay, however on returning to pick Luke up, the adults were drinking Cristal champagne, the kids were face painted and goody bagged. Very nice, very nice.
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